I worked in the sunlight today. Boo. It mildly saddens me that I've been converted into a nightshift person. I used to be such a staunch daylight supporter. Today was the first day I worked daylight in well over 2 months. It felt weird to see the sun shining! I did an 11am-11pm shift, which is such a bizarre shift. I like to sleep for as long as possible before work, doesn't matter what shift. I definitely LOVE to sleep!
Well the issue with 11-11 is when do you eat? If I eat breakfast at 9ish, then lunch shouldn't be til 1 or 2ish, and I'm stuck in the hospital till 11 so I should have dinner around 7ish, right? But I only get 1 half hour lunch break, so do I do lunch or dinner? I usually just skip breakfast and grab a huge McDonald's meal on my way in, but that's not going to happen right now.
It literally hurt my brain trying to figure out how to healthily cram food down my throat, and not wake up early. What I did was stop at Sheetz (chanting the whole time, do not get chicken bites do not get chicken bites), grabbed a Luna bar. I ate the bar when I got hungry at noon, and then had some peaches and carrots before my open heart patient rolled in the door around 2.
I may or may not have eaten the Luna bar in a bathroom to hide the fact that I was taking a food break. It honestly worked out well. I had dinner at 630 once I stabilized some BP issues and then had a popped chip snack on the way home. I stayed w/i points, and I was full almost all day.
One of my goals this week is to do a vegan breakfast 3 times this week. I've been reading about going vegan, which means I'm interested in veganism, but not committed to becoming vegan. I stumbled on a book review for Mark Bittman's Vegan Before Six. If you're not familiar with Mark Bittman, he's a food writer. I've read his stuff in the NYT, on yahoo, and pretty sure epicurious and Bon Appetite, he gets around the internets.
He came out with a book based on a life experience on where he ate vegan for breakfast and lunch, and whatever he wanted (in moderation) for dinner. Basically his PCP. told him he was pre-diabetic and pre-HTN and if he didn't change his lifestyle he'd be on medication for the rest of his life. So with some help, he modified his diet and was able to avoid being put on medication and lost 35lbs.
What's appealing about this book is that it's not a diet plan. The weight loss was a side effect of eating healthier. Also, food is Mark's life. I like to think that my tiny world also revolves around food. I am not willing to give up well prepared, delicious foods just because I want to be skinnier. I'm dieting to be healthier and change my lifestyle, not be skinny.
100% vegan is hard for me though. I LOVE CHEESE. I'm not sure I can give up dairy. So I'm doing baby steps. Vegan breakfast shouldn't be too hard. I like Almond Milk. And cereal. Boom, there's one meal. Vegan lunch...eh. I usually eat a Babybel cheese and yogurt for lunch. They're quick to eat and pack. So I think I'm going to nail doing vegan breakfast, do 100% vegetarian lunches, and whatever happens for dinner happens. For now at least. Also, I should probably read the book.
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